Litigation Funding: A Win-Win Solution for Claimants and Litigants

How Litigation Funding Can Help You Pursue Justice Without Financial Risk Or The Dos and Don'ts of Working with a Third Party Litigation Funder Or Litigation Funding: A Win-Win Solution for Claimants and Litigants “Litigation finance is the new email, not knowing what it is or how it works is simply not an option.” Litigation funding , also known as third-party funding (TPF), has become a vital tool for businesses of all sizes to manage the financial risks associated with legal disputes. Contrary to popular belief, litigation finance is not just for underdog battles but serves as a valuable resource for all parties involved in high-stakes litigation. In recent years, the global litigation finance industry has grown exponentially, offering support to both underdogs and well-backed parties in need of financial assistance. It is significant to note that TPF stands acknowledged for civil suits under Order XXV Rule 1 of CPC. Further, the Indian judiciary has discussed TPF agai...